Requirements and details for ACP courses #
This listing shows all current ACP course offerings along with the number of credits earned for each, the IDOE Crosswalk code, instructor requirements, and student prerequisites.
Students taking IU courses through ACP must:
- Meet all course prerequisites, earning a grade of C or better (unless otherwise stated)
- Have a GPA of 2.70 or above on a 4.00 scale through their most recently completed semester of high school
Course Details |
ARTH-H 100 Introduction to Art History and Visual Culture (3 cr.) This course is designed to introduce the non-specialist to the world of art and visual culture. Its emphasis will be on viewing and understanding works of art and visual culture within cultural, thematic, and historical contexts. We will discuss the purposes and themes of art, analyze objects and learn to talk and write about what we see. Learning a new visual vocabulary will enable us to analyze and to understand a variety of different styles, periods, cultures, and media, as well as to become familiar with the terminology used in speaking and writing about art.
Textbooks | Required text: Fred Kleiner, Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Concise Global History (4th edition), ISBN: 9781305577800. (integrated eText)
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. |
Indiana DOE Code | 4020 or 4024 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced Art History course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
BIOL-L 100 Humans and the Biological World (5 cr.) Principles of biological organization, from molecules through cells and organisms to populations. Emphasis on processes common to all organisms, with special reference to humans. Credit given for only one of the following: L100, L104, E112, L112, S115, or Q201.
Textbooks | Recommended text: Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections, 9th Edition. Taylor, Simon, Dickey, Hoga. ISBN-13: 978-0134653402 Or alternative AP Biology textbooks with approval of the faculty liaison. Or also available as an etext bundled with Modified Mastering Biology. Consult your local SAVVAS high school representative to receive a quote to see if this option is feasible. For online enrollments only: Modified Mastering Biology with Pearson eText - Access Card - for Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections, 10th ed., ISBN: 9780135397039
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. SimBio Virtual Labs - Biology L100 Humans & the Biological World. (Information for students to register for the SimUText software will be provided in the Canvas course site and is the schools' responsibility to procure SimBio Lab Kits for this course.) |
Indiana DOE Code | 3090 |
Credit Hours | 5 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants should have experience teaching either honors level General Biology, biology 2, or Advanced Placement Biology. Applicants should submit instructional materials that include a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced biology course taught. Applicants should have coursework in most of the following: molecular biology, ecology, evolution, cell biology. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school biology and high school or college chemistry. |
Course Details |
BUS-X 100/W 100/B 190 Business Administration: Introduction (3 cr.) Business administration from the standpoint of the manager of a business firm operating in the contemporary economic, political, and social environment.
Textbooks | Required text: Business Foundations: A Changing World 13th Edition. ISBN-13: 9781265445829 (loose leaf) Or 12th Edition with approval of the faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 4562 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must have a graduate degree and graduate coursework (18+ hours) in Business. |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
CHEM-C 101/121 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.)/Elementary Chem Lab I (2 cr.) Introduction to aspects of general chemistry/Introduction to the techniques and reasoning of experimental chemistry. The two sequences, C101-C121 and C102-C122, usually satisfy programs that require only two semesters of chemistry. May be taken in preparation for C117. Credit given for only one of C101 or C103.
Textbooks | Required text: Introductory Chemistry: Atoms First, 5th Edition, By Steve Russo, Michael E. Silver, 2015. ISBN-13: 978-0321927118 Or also available as an etext bundled with Modified Mastering Chemistry. Consult your local SAVVAS high school representative to receive a quote to see if this option is feasible. For online enrollments only: Modified Mastering Chemistry with Pearson eText Instant Access for Introductory Chemistry, 8th ed., Tro. ISBN: 9780135397022
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. Labflow. ISBN: 9780960062706. From Catalyst for HS (FA24). ISBN: 9781963259230 (Schools will need to contact your HS Catalyst representative to procure Labflow.) |
Indiana DOE Code | 3066 |
Credit Hours | 5 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should have grades of C or better in undergraduate courses in general, organic, intermediate inorganic, physical, and analytical chemistry. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school algebra I |
Course Details |
COLL-P 155/SPCH-S 121/COMM-S 121 Public Oral Communication/Public Speaking (3 cr.) Prepares students in the liberal arts to communicate effectively with public audiences. Emphasizes oral communication as practiced in public contexts: how to advance reasoned claims in public; how to adapt public oral presentations to particular audiences; how to listen to, interpret, and evaluate public discourse; and how to formulate a clear response.
Textbooks | Required text: A Commonplace Approach, 1st ed., Public Oral Communication eBook, J. Arthos. ISBN: 9781774120545 (integrated eText)
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. |
Indiana DOE Code | 1078 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should have coursework in communication studies/English. Must have teaching experience related to speech. Debate coaching does not apply. Applicants should include a curriculum or syllabus and a speech assignment with rubric. |
Student Prerequisites |
Senior standing, or junior standing with a previous speech course |
Course Details |
CSCI-A 290 Tools for Computing (2cr.) [Optional support course of year-long CSCI-C 200] Exploration of topics in computing. This course is designed to provide extra support for students enrolled in the year-long version of CSCI-C 200 and are new to programming. |
Textbooks | Required texts: TBA |
Indiana DOE Code | |
Credit Hours | 2 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
Enrollment in CSCI-C 200 |
Course Details |
CSCI-C 102 Great Ideas in Computing (3 cr.) The course covers the “Big Ideas” of computer science and the role of computing in the modern world, and includes both lecture and lab work. Labs are deliberately constructed to engage students in key concepts, as well as provide exposure to the breadth of job opportunities in Computer Science. Year-long version is eligible as Next Level Program of Study Principles course.
Textbooks | Required text and materials: Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion by Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen, and Harry Lewis. The book can be purchased or downloaded. Genuine Arduino Uno R3 board |
Indiana DOE Code | 4801/7183 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
9th graders: 8th grade English with a grade of B or better |
Course Details |
CSCI-C 200 Introduction to Computers and Programming (4 cr.) This course which counts towards a Computer Science major at IU is an introduction to algorithmic thinking and, specifically, to programming. It teaches the basics of programming using real world applications in natural, physical, and social sciences. The course uses real world examples from other disciplines to illustrate the power of computational thinking as students master introductory programming fundamentals. Can be offered as a semester, or a year-long course. For schools who elect to offer as a year-long course, students can also enroll in an optional, two-credit, year-long support course CSCI-A 290. Year-long version is eligible as Next Level Program of Study Concentrator B course.
Textbooks | Required texts: TBA |
Indiana DOE Code | 7352 |
Credit Hours | 4 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
High school precalculus math recommended. |
Course Details |
CSCI-C 212 Introduction to Software Systems (4 cr.) Design of computer software systems and introduction to programming in the environment of a contemporary operating system. Topics include a modern object-oriented programming language; building and maintaining large projects; and understanding the operating system interface.
Textbooks | Required texts: TBA |
Indiana DOE Code | |
Credit Hours | 4 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
CSCI-C 200 or C 211 |
Course Details |
DHYG-H 242 Introduction to Dentistry (1 cr.) AVAILABLE ONLY AT IUN SERVICE AREA - An overview of the field of dentistry with emphasis on the specialties in dentistry, an introduction to common dental procedures with information a hygienist needs in patient education, as well as issues related to access to dental care and the dental workforce. |
Textbooks | Required texts: Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach, 4th Edition, Donna J. Phinney and Judy H. Halstead |
Indiana DOE Code | 4801 |
Credit Hours | 1 |
Instructor Requirements |
NOTE: GRADUATE COURSES FOR DISCIPLINE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH IU DUAL CREDIT PIPELINE. Applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should also have a graduate degree and 18 or more graduate hours in Dental Hygiene. |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
ECON-E 201/103 — Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.) Scarcity, opportunity cost, competitive and non-competitive market pricing, and interdependence as an analytical core. Individual sections apply this core to a variety of current economic policy problems, such as poverty, pollution, excise taxes, rent controls, and farm subsidies.
Textbooks | Required text: Textbook to be approved by faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 1574 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
NOTE: GRADUATE COURSES FOR DISCIPLINE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH IU DUAL CREDIT PIPELINE. In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should have on the order of 15 credit hours in undergraduate economics including introduction to microeconomics, introduction to macroeconomics, intermediate microeconomics, and at least one upper division micro-based field course. Applicants must also have at least a master’s degree with at least 18 credit hours of graduate level economics coursework. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school algebra II |
Course Details |
ECON-E 202/104 — Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.) Measuring and explaining aggregate economic performance, money, monetary policy, and fiscal policy as an analytical core. Individual sections apply this core to a variety of current economic policy problems, such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.
Textbooks | Required text: Textbook to be approved by faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 1574 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
NOTE: GRADUATE COURSES FOR DISCIPLINE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH IU DUAL CREDIT PIPELINE. In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should have on the order of 15 credit hours in undergraduate economics including introduction to microeconomics, introduction to macroeconomics, intermediate microeconomics, and at least one upper division micro-based field course. Applicants must also have at least a master’s degree with at least 18 credit hours of graduate level economics coursework. |
Student Prerequisites |
College credit in ECON-E 201/103 |
Course Details |
EDUC- F 200 Examining Self as Teacher (3 cr.) Designed to help a student make a career decision, better conceptualize the kind of teacher the student wishes to become, and reconcile any preliminary concerns that may be hampering a personal examination of self as teacher. Students will design a major portion of their work. Eligible Next Level Program of Study Principles course.
Textbooks | Required texts: 1) The Power of Our Words: Teacher Language that Helps Children Learn, Second Edition, by Paula Denton, published 2013 by Center for Responsive Schools, Inc. ISBN #: 978-1-892989-59-8 |
Indiana DOE Code | 7161 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
Coming 2025-2026: EDUC-K 205 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 cr.) Definition, identification, prevalence, characteristics, and educational provisions of the various types of exceptional children, with attention to disability awareness and appropriate instructional processes. Eligible Next Level Program of Study Capstone course. Cross-listed with EDUC-E 449.
Textbooks | n/a |
Indiana DOE Code | 7267 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have a Master’s degree in Education or MAT or working toward this AND have taken either EDUC-K 306 Teaching Students with Special Needs in Secondary Classrooms or EDUC-K 505 Introduction Special Education for Graduate Students (or equivalents). If the course requirement is lacking, applicants will be required to successfully complete the course during the summer or fall directly after their summer training. The ACP office will pay for the tuition. |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
EDUC-P 250 General Educational Psychology (3 cr.) The study and application of psychological concepts and principles as related to the teaching-learning process, introduction to classroom management, measurement/evaluation, and disability awareness. Eligible Next Level Program of Study Concentrator A course. Cross-listed with EDUC-P 214, P 248, and P 251.
Textbooks | n/a |
Indiana DOE Code | 7157 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must have a Master’s degree in Education or MAT or working toward this AND have taken a graduate course on learning and cognition in schools like EDUC-P 510 Psychology in Teaching or EDUC-P 540 Learning and Cognition in Education. If the course requirement is lacking, applicants will be required to successfully complete the course during the summer or fall directly after their summer training. The ACP office will pay for the tuition. |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
EDUC- W 200 Using Computers in Education (3 cr.) Required of all students pursuing teacher certification. Introduction to instructional computing and educational computing literature. Hands-on experience with educational software, utility packages, and commonly used microcomputer hardware. Eligible Next Level Program of Study Concentrator B course.
Textbooks | n/a |
Indiana DOE Code | 7162 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have a Master’s degree in Education or MAT or working toward this AND one of the following: - Has taught other computer technology courses at the high school level 2+ years, ideally advanced, honors or AP courses; OR - Has a Computer Science License Addition; OR - Has completed 12+ credits of technology integration in K-12 settings; OR - Has had a professional role in a K-12 setting as a technology coordinator, trainer, etc. for 2+ years; OR - Has a relevant certificate, minor or license; OR - Has completed both EDUC W531 (Technology for Teaching and Learning) and EDUC W540 (Technology-Infused Curriculum). If the course requirement is lacking, applicants will be required to successfully complete the courses during the summer and/or semesters directly after their summer training. The ACP office will pay for the tuition. |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
ENG-L 111 Discovering Literature (3 cr.) Designed to give students an introduction both to various forms of literary expression and different modes of literary study and appreciation. **Available only to ACP partner schools offering ENG-L 202 and an IU Indiana College Core.**
Textbooks | Required texts: 1) The Norton Introduction to Literature: Shorter 14th Edition, ed. Kelly J. Mays. ISBN: 978-0-393-88630-6 2) Other approved longer work, i.e., novel, graphic novel, play, should such be assigned and approved by faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 1124 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Applicants should have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with another provider). It is preferred that applicants have a master’s degree in English. In some instances, a non-English master’s degree accompanied by relevant graduate coursework in English will suffice. Applicants should submit instructional materials that include a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced English course taught. |
Student Prerequisites |
English 10 |
Course Details |
ENG-W 131 Reading, Writing, & Inquiry I (3 cr.) Instruction and practice in the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills required in college. Emphasis is on written assignments that require synthesis, analysis, and argument based on sources.
Textbooks | Required texts: Writing Analytically, 9th edition, Rosenwasser and Stephen. ISBN-13: 9780357793770 / 9780357793657 Course Reader: Readings for Analytical Writing, Available in IU Canvas. - or (until end of Spring 2025) Writing and Reading for ACP Composition, 3rd edition, Farris. ISBN: 1323847618 / 9781323847619 |
Indiana DOE Code | 1098 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Applicants should have taught high school senior-level English courses - honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with another provider). It is preferred that applicants have a master’s degree in English. In some instances, a non-English master’s degree accompanied by relevant graduate coursework in English will suffice. Applicants should submit instructional materials that include a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced English course taught. |
Student Prerequisites |
Senior standing |
Course Details |
ENG-L 202 Literary Interpretation (3 cr.) Develops critical skills essential to participation in the interpretive process. Through class discussion and focused writing assignments, introduces the premises and motives of literary analysis and critical methods associated with historical, generic, and/or cultural concerns.
Textbooks | Required texts: 1) The Norton Introduction to Literature: Shorter 14th Edition, ed. Kelly J. Mays. ISBN: 978-0-393-88630-6 2) Other approved longer work, i.e., novel, graphic novel, play, should such be assigned and approved by faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 1124 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Applicants should have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with another provider). At least one graduate level course in literature is required for L202. It is preferred that applicants have a master’s degree in English. In some instances, a non-English master’s degree accompanied by relevant graduate coursework in English will suffice. Applicants should submit instructional materials that include a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced English course taught. |
Student Prerequisites |
Senior standing and transcripted dual credit composition with a grade of C or better, or SAT EBRW score of 710 or higher, or ACT English score of 32 or higher, or AP English: Lang and Comp score of 4 or 5, or AP English: Comp and Lit score of 4 or 5 |
Course Details |
FRIT-F 200/FREN-F 200/203 Second-Year French I (3 cr.) Grammar, composition, conversation coordinated with the study of cultural texts. Credit given for only one of the following third-semester courses: F200, F205, or F219.
Textbooks | Required text: Réseau: Communication, Intégration, Intersections. Second Edition. 2015. Schultz, J-M, & Tranvouez, M-P.; eText, ISBN- 9781636040783. Loose Leaf plus online access, ISBN-9781636041049 Recommended text: English Grammar for Students of French, ISBN-13: 978-0934034425 |
Indiana DOE Code | 2026 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced French course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
Two years high school French completing most recent course with C or better |
Course Details |
FRIT-F 250/FREN-F 250/204 Second-Year French II (3 cr.) Grammar, composition, conversation coordinated with the study of cultural texts. Credit given for only one of the following fourth-semester courses: F250, F255, F265, or F269.
Textbooks | Required text: Réseau: Communication, Intégration, Intersections. Second Edition. 2015. Schultz, J-M, & Tranvouez, M-P.; eText, ISBN- 9781636040783. Loose Leaf plus online access, ISBN-9781636041049 Recommended text: English Grammar for Students of French, ISBN-13: 978-0934034425 |
Indiana DOE Code | 2026 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced French course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
Completion of F200/203 or three years high school French completing most recent course with C or better |
Course Details |
FRIT-M 200 Intermediate Italian I (3 cr.) Building on previous Italian classes, students further study and practice fundamental concepts and structures in Italian grammar. Through a variety of assignments and activities, they strengthen proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, writing, cultural analysis and understanding. Includes an introduction to brief literary text.
Textbooks | Required text: Sentieri. Attraverso l’Italia contemporanea, 2nd Edition. Julia M. Cozzarelli, Vista Higher Learning. Textbook + access code for Supersite. |
Indiana DOE Code | 2266 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
Two years high school Italian completing most recent course with C or better |
Course Details |
FRIT-M 250 Intermediate Italian II (3 cr) The study of more complex concepts and structures in Italian grammar. Through a variety of texts, media, and assignments, students practice listening, speaking, reading, writing, and they analyze cultural topics and situations to greater depth. Increased attention to short literary texts.
Textbooks | Required text: Paese che vai... Sara Dallavalle, Lisa Dolasinski, Lucia Gemmani, Isabella Magni, Carlotta Paltrinieri, Karolina Serafin. Free Online Textbook (available through Canvas) |
Indiana DOE Code | 2266 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
Three years high school Italian completing most recent course with C or better |
Course Details |
GEOL-G 103/EAS-E 103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes (3 cr.) Introduction to the origin and classification of minerals and rocks. Relationships between rock types, rock structures, surficial geological processes of running water, subsurface water, glaciation, wind, tides, and landform evolution. Geologic time. Credit given for only one of G103 or G111.
Textbooks | Required text: Textbook to be approved by faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 3046 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
NOTE: GRADUATE COURSES FOR DISCIPLINE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH IU DUAL CREDIT PIPELINE. In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should have grades of C or better in undergraduate courses in oceanography, environmental geology, earth materials, physical geology, petrology, sedimentology & stratigraphy, geomorphology, structural geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, economic geology, petroleum geology, geophysics, paleobiology, planetary science, historical geology, geobiology, climatology, or meteorology. G103 applicants should be well versed in physical geology; G104 applicants should be well versed in historical geology. Applicants should also have a graduate degree and 18 or more graduate hours in geology. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school physical science, preferably chemistry or physics. |
Course Details |
GEOL-G 104/EAS-E 104 Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.) Earth's history interpreted through five billion years. Deductive approach to understanding the significance of rocks and fossils and reconstructing the plate-tectonic origin of mountains, continents, and ocean basins. A survey of events in Earth’s evolution relevant to contemporary environmental concerns.
Textbooks | Required text: Textbook to be approved by faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 3046 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
NOTE: GRADUATE COURSES FOR DISCIPLINE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH IU DUAL CREDIT PIPELINE. In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should have grades of C or better in undergraduate courses in oceanography, environmental geology, earth materials, physical geology, petrology, sedimentology & stratigraphy, geomorphology, structural geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, economic geology, petroleum geology, geophysics, paleobiology, planetary science, historical geology, geobiology, climatology, or meteorology. G103 applicants should be well versed in physical geology; G104 applicants should be well versed in historical geology. Applicants should also have a graduate degree and 18 or more graduate hours in geology. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school physical science, preferably chemistry or physics. |
Course Details |
GER-G 100/101/111 Beginning German I (4 cr.) Introduction to present-day German and to selected aspects of the cultures of German-speaking countries. For students who have not previously studied German or need to refresh what they have learned. The course aims to teach students to understand, speak, read, and write German and develop the ability to understand from context. At the same time, you will start building a basic knowledge of German grammar. Active oral participation required.
Textbooks | Required text: Netzwerk neu A1: Student Blended Bundle (Textbook and 12-month Interactive Online Workbook). Klett/Langenscheidt. ISBN: B3126071567Y1 |
Indiana DOE Code | 2042 |
Credit Hours | 4 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced German course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
One year high school German with a grade of C or better |
Course Details |
GER-G 112/150 Beginning German II (4 cr.) Introduction to present-day German and to selected aspects of the cultures of German-speaking countries. Introduction to German grammatical forms and their functions. Development of listening comprehension, simple speaking proficiency, controlled reading skills and simple written compositions. Active oral participation required.
Textbooks | Required text: Netzwerk neu A2: Student Blended Bundle (Textbook and 12-month Interactive Online Workbook). Klett/Langenscheidt. ISBN: B3126071642Y1 |
Indiana DOE Code | 2044 |
Credit Hours | 4 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced German course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
Two years high school German completing most recent course with C or better or completion of Beginning German I with a C- or better |
Course Details |
GER-G 200/203 Intermediate German I (3 cr.) Further development of oral and written command of language structures. Review of selected grammatical items. Listening comprehension. Reading of literary and non-literary texts. Discussion of selected films. Oral presentations. Writing of compositions based on the material covered. Emphasis on both speaking proficiency and structural awareness. Conducted in German.
Textbooks | Required text: Netzwerk neu B1: Student Blended Bundle (Textbook and 12-month Interactive Online Workbook). Klett/Langenscheidt. ISBN: B3126071727Y1 |
Indiana DOE Code | 2046 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced German course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
Three years high school German completing most recent course with C or better or completion of Beginning German II with a C- or better |
Course Details |
GER-G 250/204 Intermediate German II (3 cr.) Further development of oral and written command of language structures. Listening comprehension. Review of selected grammatical items. Discussion of modern German literary and non-literary texts, as well as films. Oral presentations. Writing of compositions based on the material covered. Emphasis on both speaking proficiency and structural awareness. Conducted in German.
Textbooks | Required texts: Netzwerk neu B1: Student Blended Bundle (Textbook and 12-month Interactive Online Workbook). Klett/Langenscheidt. ISBN: B3126071727Y1 |
Indiana DOE Code | 2046 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced German course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
Completion of Intermediate German I with a C- or better |
Course Details |
HISP-S 150/SPAN-S 112/150 (4 cr.) SPAN-S 102 (3 cr.) Elementary Spanish II Emphasis on all four language skills and on critical thinking skills. Grading is based on exams and oral tests, written exercises, compositions, and a cumulative final exam. Students can expect to practice speaking in small groups in class, and read about and discuss materials in Spanish.
Textbooks | Required text: Exploraciones (3rd ed). Blitt, M. A., Casas, M., Cengage Learning, 2020. ISBN: 978-0-357-03485-9 (e-text included in MindTap online companion site) |
Indiana DOE Code | 2124 |
Credit Hours | 4 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
One year high school Spanish completing most recent course with C or better |
Course Details |
HISP-S 200/SPAN-S 200/203 Second-Year Spanish I (3 cr.) This course reviews some of the basic structures studied in the first year, and examines them in more detail. Emphasis remains on the four skills and critical thinking skills. Readings are both journalistic and literary. Grades are based on exams, oral tests, homework, compositions, and a cumulative final exam. Homework load is substantial.
Textbooks | Required text: Exploraciones Curso Intermedio (2nd ed). Blitt, M. A., Casas, M., & Copple, M.T.. Cengage Learning, 2020. ISBN-13: 9780357426852 (e-text included in MindTap online companion site) For online enrollments only:
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. NOTE: $69.00 will also be charged for spring S200 access to MindTap. |
Indiana DOE Code | 2126 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
Two years high school Spanish completing most recent course with C or better or S150 with a grade of C or better |
Course Details |
HISP-S 250/SPAN-S 250/204 Second-Year Spanish II (3 cr.) This course continues the work of S200/203. Continued emphasis on all four skills and on critical thinking skills. Grades are based on exams, oral tests, homework, compositions, and a cumulative final exam. Homework load is substantial.
Textbooks | Required text: Exploraciones Curso Intermedio (2nd ed). Blitt, M. A., Casas, M., & Copple, M.T.. Cengage Learning, 2020. ISBN-13: 9780357426852 (e-text included in MindTap online companion site) For online enrollments only:
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. NOTE: $69.00 will also be charged for spring S250 access to MindTap. |
Indiana DOE Code | 2126 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should submit a teacher-created curriculum or syllabus of the most advanced course taught. The faculty liaison seeks evidence of course rigor and pays close attention to the personal statement. |
Student Prerequisites |
Three years high school Spanish completing most recent course with C or better or S200/203 with a grade of C or better |
Course Details |
HIST-H 105 American History I (3 cr.) Colonial period, Revolution, Confederation and Constitution, national period to 1865. Evolution of American society: political, economic, social structure; racial and ethnic groups; sex roles; Indian, inter-American, and world diplomacy of the United States; evolution of ideology, war, territorial expansion, industrialization, urbanization, international events and their impact on American history.
Textbooks | Preferred text: For online enrollments only: This course utilizes Open Educational Resources - $0.00 textbook cost |
Indiana DOE Code | 1542 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must show a personal and institutional commitment to offering a college-level course. If the ACP courses are taught in conjunction with AP U.S. History, the ACP curriculum must be the primary curriculum. Types of instructional materials to submit include a syllabus, lesson plan, or assignment. Applicants’ academic background must include at least (1) four undergraduate US history courses, or (2) two undergraduate US history courses and a graduate US history course. Graduate coursework in history is preferred. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school World History |
Course Details |
HIST-H 106 American History II 1865 to present. Evolution of American society: political, economic, social structure; racial and ethnic groups; sex roles; Indian, inter-American, and world diplomacy of the United States; evolution of ideology, war, territorial expansion, industrialization, urbanization, international events and their impact on American history. 1865 to present. Evolution of American society: political, economic, social structure; racial and ethnic groups; sex roles; Indian, inter-American, and world diplomacy of the United States; evolution of ideology, war, territorial expansion, industrialization, urbanization, international events and their impact on American history.
Textbooks | Preferred text: Or other textbooks with approval of the faculty liaison. For online enrollments only: This course utilizes Open Educational Resources - $0.00 textbook cost |
Indiana DOE Code | 1542 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must show a personal and institutional commitment to offering a college-level course. If the ACP courses are taught in conjunction with AP U.S. History, the ACP curriculum must be the primary curriculum. Types of instructional materials to submit include a syllabus, lesson plan, or assignment. Applicants’ academic background must include at least (1) four undergraduate US history courses, or (2) two undergraduate US history courses and a graduate US history course. Graduate coursework in history is preferred. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school World History |
Course Details |
INFO-I 101 Intro to Informatics and Computing (4 cr.) Problem solving with information technology; introduction to information representation, relational databases, system design, propositional logic, cutting edge technologies; CPU, operating systems, networks; laboratory emphasizing information technology including webpage design, word processing, and databases using tools available on campus.
Textbooks | Required text: No physical materials required for the course. |
Indiana DOE Code | 7183 |
Credit Hours | 4 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
9th graders: 8th grade English with a grade of B or better |
Course Details |
INFO-I 230 Analytical Foundations of Security (3 cr.) This course will allow students to re-evaluate and conceptualize material learned in discrete courses to consider the topics from the perspective of security. For example, computer system basics such as hardware (CPU, memory, ...) and software are reconsidered from the perspective of how their interactions create vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities that combine standard hardware and software configurations will be examined, as these illuminate both security and computer networks. Operating systems and file systems are examined from the perspective of access control, permissions and availability of system services, etc.
Textbooks | Required text: No physical materials required for the course. |
Indiana DOE Code | 5253 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
Credit in INFO-I 101 or equivalent with a transcripted college grade of C or better |
Course Details |
MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.) Sets, counting, basic probability, including random variables and expected values. Linear systems, matrices, linear programming, and applications.
Textbooks | Required texts: Finite Mathematics Daniel P Maki, Maynard Thompson, and Stephen C. McKinley, 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1-259-81976-6; McGraw Hill. Edfinity (online learning tool) optional with hardcopy text. Edfinity (online learning tool) required with electronic text.
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled for IU credit. For online enrollments only: Finite Mathematics Daniel P Maki, Maynard Thompson, and Stephen C. McKinley, 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1-259-81976-6; McGraw Hill. Edfinity (online learning tool) required with electronic text.
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled for IU credit. |
Indiana DOE Code | 2530 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must have a strong background in probability theory and linear algebra. In addition to the standard introductory courses applicants should have at least one theoretical course in probability. |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
MATH-M 119 Brief Survey of Calculus I (3 cr.) This is an introductory calculus course. Primarily for students from business and the social sciences. Credit given for only one of MATH-M 119 and MATH-M 211/215.
Textbooks | Required texts: Applied Calculus, Hughes-Hallett. 6th edition ISBN: 978-1-119-505266; Wiley. eText option; ISBN: 978-1119399261 Edfinity (online learning tool) optional with hardcopy text. Edfinity (online learning tool) required with electronic text.
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled for IU credit. |
Indiana DOE Code | 2544 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must have at minimum a strong background in the theory of calculus beyond the level of the material in Calculus I, II, and III, i.e., single and multivariable calculus as represented in standard university-level calculus textbooks. Applicants are expected to have taken either Theory of Calculus or Real Analysis. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school Pre-Calculus |
Course Details |
MATH-M 125 Pre-Calculus Mathematics (3 cr.) Designed to prepare students for MATH-M 119. Algebraic operations; polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions and their graphs; conic sections; systems of equations; and inequalities.
Textbooks | Required text: Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry. Swokowski, Cole the Classic, 12th edition. ISBN: 978-0-495-55971-9. 13th edition. ISBN: 978-0840068521. For online enrollments only: Precalculus, 2nd edition. - ALEKS 360. Miller and Gerken. ISBN10: 1260260453 / ISBN13: 9781260260458. Digital access to ALEKS; ISBN 9781264248216
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. NOTE: $64.00 will also be charged for spring M126 access to ALEKS. |
Indiana DOE Code | 2564 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
High school Algebra I & II & Geometry |
Course Details |
MATH-M 126 Trigonometric Functions (3 cr.) Designed to prepare students for MATH-M 211. Trigonometric functions; identities. Graphs of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.
Textbooks | Required text: Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry. Swokowski, Cole the Classic, 12th edition. ISBN: 978-0-495-55971-9. 13th edition. ISBN: 978-0840068521. For online enrollments only: Precalculus, 2nd edition. - ALEKS 360. Miller and Gerken. ISBN10: 1260260453 / ISBN13: 9781260260458. Digital access to ALEKS; ISBN 9781264248216
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. |
Indiana DOE Code | 2566 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
Dual Credit Pre-Calculus; MATH-M 125 |
Course Details |
MATH-M 211 (4 cr.)/MATH-M 215 (5 cr.) Calculus I Limits, continuity, derivatives, definite and indefinite integrals, applications. Credit given for only one of MATH-M 119 and MATH-M 211/215.
Textbooks | Required text: Calculus: Single Variable - Early Transcendentals, Stewart, 9th Edition, ISBN: 978-0-357-02226-9. Only available in eText; 8th ed. ISBN: 978-1305270336 Edfinity (online learning tool) optional with hardcopy text. Edfinity (online learning tool) required with electronic text.
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled for IU credit. For online enrollments only: Calculus: Single Variable - Early Transcendentals, Stewart, 8th Edition, ISBN; IU eText: 978-1305270336 Edfinity (online learning tool) required with electronic text.
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled for IU credit. |
Indiana DOE Code | 2527 |
Credit Hours | 4/5 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must have at minimum a strong background in the theory of calculus beyond the level of the material in Calculus I, II, and III, i.e., single and multivariable calculus as represented in standard university-level calculus textbooks. Applicants are expected to have taken either Theory of Calculus or Real Analysis. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry |
Course Details |
MATH-M 212 (4 cr.)/MATH-M 216 (5 cr.) Calculus II Techniques of integration (by parts, trigonometric substitutions, partial fractions), improper integrals, volume, work, arc length, surface area, infinite series.
Textbooks | Required text: Calculus: Single Variable - Early Transcendentals, Stewart, 9th Edition, ISBN: 978-0-357-02226-9. Only available in eText; 8th ed. ISBN: 978-1305270336 Edfinity (online learning tool) optional with hardcopy text. Edfinity (online learning tool) required with electronic text.
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled for IU credit. |
Indiana DOE Code | 2544 |
Credit Hours | 4/5 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must have at minimum a strong background in the theory of calculus beyond the level of the material in Calculus I, II, and III, i.e., single and multivariable calculus as represented in standard university-level calculus textbooks. Applicants are expected to have taken either Theory of Calculus or Real Analysis. |
Student Prerequisites |
MATH-M 211/215 with transcripted IU grade of C or better or AP Calculus AB score of 4 or 5 |
Course Details |
PHYS-P 221 Physics I (5 cr.) First semester of a three-semester, calculus-based sequence intended for science majors. Newtonian mechanics; oscillations and waves; heat and thermodynamics.
Textbooks | Required text: Fundamentals of Physics: Halliday, Resnick, Volume 1 (Chapters 1 – 20), by Jearl Walker, 10th edition; ISBN: 978-1-118-23376-4 For online enrollments only: Modified Mastering Physics with eText for Scientists and Engineers, A Strategic Approach to Modern Physics, 5th ed., ISBN: 9780135397008 Indiana University Custom Physics Lab Kit - LP-5252-PK-01 ISBN: LP-5252-PK-01
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. |
Indiana DOE Code | 3086 |
Credit Hours | 5 |
Instructor Requirements |
NOTE: GRADUATE COURSES FOR DISCIPLINE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH IU DUAL CREDIT PIPELINE. In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must have coursework in calculus-based physics; upper division undergraduate physics coursework is preferred. It is also recommended that applicants have a bachelor’s degree in physics, ideally a master’s degree. A graduate degree with at least 18 graduate hours in physics is required. |
Student Prerequisites |
Calculus (can be concurrent) |
Course Details |
POLS-Y 103 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.) Introduction to the nature of government and the dynamics of American politics. Origin and nature of the American federal system and its political party base.
Textbooks | Required text: American Politics Today, 8th Edition, Bianco ahd Cannon; Ebook ISBN: 978-1-324-04006-4 or Paperback ISBN: 978-1-324-03996-9 |
Indiana DOE Code | 1540 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants must have a strong undergraduate background in political science, typically a minimum of 3-4 political science courses. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school American History |
Course Details |
PSY-P 101 Introductory Psychology 1 (3 cr.) Introduction to psychology; its methods, data, and theoretical interpretations in areas of learning, sensory psychology, and psychophysiology.
Textbooks | Recommended texts: Discovering Psychology, 9th edition, by Susan Nolan and Sandra Hockenbury. ISBN: 9781319247225 Or other textbooks with approval of the faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 1532 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
NOTE: GRADUATE COURSES FOR DISCIPLINE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH IU DUAL CREDIT PIPELINE. This course covers the history of experimental psychology, experimental methodology, neuroscience and biological basis of behavior, genetic basis of behavior, sensation and perception, cognitive processes in general and memory in particular, language and thought, and the physiological basis of motivation and emotion. Applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should have the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in psychology and recent coursework on the neural basis of behavior and cognitive psychology. Applicants must also have a graduate degree and at least 18 graduate hours in psychology. |
Student Prerequisites |
High school Biology |
Course Details |
PSY-P 102 Introductory Psychology 2 (3 cr.) Continuation of P101. Developmental, social, personality, and abnormal psychology.
Textbooks | Recommended texts: Discovering Psychology, 9th edition, by Susan Nolan and Sandra Hockenbury. ISBN: 9781319247225 Or other textbooks with approval of the faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 1532 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
NOTE: GRADUATE COURSES FOR DISCIPLINE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH IU DUAL CREDIT PIPELINE. This course covers the history of experimental psychology, experimental methodology, neuroscience and biological basis of behavior, genetic basis of behavior, sensation and perception, cognitive processes in general and memory in particular, language and thought, and the physiological basis of motivation and emotion. Applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). Applicants should have the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in psychology and recent coursework on the neural basis of behavior and cognitive psychology. Applicants must also have a graduate degree and at least 18 graduate hours in psychology. |
Student Prerequisites |
PSY-P 101 with transcripted IU grade of C or better |
Course Details |
SOC-S 100 Intro to Sociology (3 cr.) Introduction to the concepts and methods of sociology with an emphasis on the understanding of American contemporary society.
Textbooks | Required text: Textbook to be approved by faculty liaison. |
Indiana DOE Code | 1534 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
NOTE: GRADUATE COURSES FOR DISCIPLINE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH IU DUAL CREDIT PIPELINE. In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook, applicants must have at least two years’ experience in the discipline and have a strong undergraduate background in the content area. Ideally, applicants have taught upper-level honors or advanced courses in the discipline (AP or honors equivalent, or dual credit with other provider). |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
SPH-B 150 Introduction to Public Health (3 cr.) Understanding public health has never been more important. Students in this course explore the importance of evidence in public health, disease prevention and health promotion, how social determinants of health affect health outcomes, the behavioral and biological determinants of health, how the environmental affects health, and how globalization affects the burden of disease. The course counts towards the Gen Ed Social and Historical Studies requirement at IU Bloomington and is aligned with the Principles course for the NLPS Healthcare Specialist pathway.
Textbooks | Required text: Introduction to Public Health, 6th edition. Schneider, M.; Jones and Bartlett Publishers: eText, ISBN 13: 978-1284197648 (integrated eText)
The invoice will include all students taking class regardless of whether enrolled to earn IU credit. |
Indiana DOE Code | 7168 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook – A Master’s degree and a minimum of five years of recent, full-time experience working where the area they are teaching was central to their job description. This experience needs to be documented by relevant letters that: - Describe the candidate’s employment and experience, - Knowledge of both traditional and emergent trends in the area they are teaching, and - Familiarity with current professional practices within the area they are teaching, specific to department and area within department. |
Student Prerequisites |
None |
Course Details |
SPH-F 180 Introduction to Child and Youth Work (3 cr.) This interactive course engages students in active learning to build the professional knowledge and skills required of child and youth care practitioners at the entry level. The course includes foundational knowledge and skills used in a wide variety of child and youth care settings that promote the optimum development of youth using strengths-based models. The course is aligned with the Principles course for the NLPS Human and Social Services pathway. Taught as a semester-long course. |
Textbooks | Required text: |
Indiana DOE Code | 7176 |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Instructor Requirements |
In addition to meeting one of three models for HLC qualifications as described in the ACP Instructor Handbook – A Master’s degree and a minimum of five years of recent, full-time experience working where the area they are teaching was central to their job description. This experience needs to be documented by relevant letters that: - Describe the candidate’s employment and experience, - Knowledge of both traditional and emergent trends in the area they are teaching, and - Familiarity with current professional practices within the area they are teaching, specific to department and area within department. |
Student Prerequisites |
None |