ACP Enrollment Issues and Resolutions

Student has not received any email from ACP #

Contact ACP at An ACP staff member will confirm that ACP has received information from the high school for the student and that we have a valid email address.

Student has created IU Username but is unable to login #

  • Confirm that the student has waited at least 24 hours from the time login is created before attempting to log in.
  • Student may not be entering username or passphrase correctly.
    • The IU username is not the IU email address, but it is the prefix for the student's IU email. For example, for the IU email,, the username is kbfox.
    • The student can reset the passphrase:
  • Student may have timed out or X'd out of setup process before it was complete. Student will need to return to IT setup and go through process again. Student should not close screen until "Process complete" message is received. Once completed, the student will need to wait for the 24-hour processing window before attempting to use login.

Student unable to register due to hold #

Citizenship Verification Hold

  • This hold is placed on all IU student records once they turn 18 years old.
  • Student should log in to
  • Search ACP and select "Advance College Project Task Center".
  • Select "Citizenship Verification" application tile.
  • Answer the yes/no question on the online form.
  • Submit.
  • Return to ACP Registration Canvas site to proceed with ACP enrollment.


  •  If student has outstanding balance over $5000, or, if the student has any “write-off” balance (unpaid for over 365 days), the student will not be allowed to register.
  • Student must contact the Office of the Bursar to resolve account status.

Ineligible for ACP Dual Credit

  • Students reported as having GPA below ACP required 2.70 (4.0 scale), are not allowed to register for dual credit.
  • If student feels errant information has been reported, they should contact their high school Guidance Office to confirm GPA.
  • Schools should contact ACP if student’s eligibility needs corrected.

Other issues blocking enrollment #

Involvement with IU through Other Programs

The ACP Registration Canvas Page will not allow enrollment if student has associations with IU through multiple programs (OPEN, Bridge to College, etc.).

Please contact for assistance.

Error with Course Listing

Sometimes, ACP listings get created with the same formatting and restrictions that are applied to traditional IU students, but which are not applicable to ACP students.

Please contact if a student runs into any of the following while attempting to register:

  • Pre-requisite not met
  • Related course required
  • ACP class not listed as option

Error with Student-High School Association

Please contact if a student receives any message indicating no courses offered or if the courses offered do not match what is offered at the high school.

Student wants to drop/withdraw #

  • During online registration, students may drop from an IU roster by returning to the online registration portal and selecting the Drop option for the course, or, by contacting to request assistance in dropping the course.
  • Once online registration has ended, students may request a Drop by signing the course confirmation roster (distributed to instructors following the online registration deadline)  beside their name and beneath the ‘No – College Credit’ column.

Note: The confirmation roster is the final opportunity a student has for opting out of earning dual credit without a reported grade or tuition charges. Once confirmation rosters have been returned to ACP, students will need to submit a withdraw request form to be administratively removed from the IU roster. For more information about Drops and Withdrawals, please see the "Drop/Withdraw from courses" section in the ACP Student Handbook.