Policies and Guidelines

Instructor responsibilities #

  • Convene the ACP course in accordance with the current content expectations, objectives, pedagogical approaches, student performance standards, and assessment strategies as established by the faculty liaison.
  • Use the departmental-approved template to create and upload to Canvas an up-to-date IU syllabus each time an ACP course is offered. Non-template syllabi are acceptable only if they contain at least the information contained in the departmental-approved template.
  • Distribute a current faculty-approved syllabus to IU students in all ACP sections.
  • Use a textbook approved by the appropriate IU faculty liaison.
  • Monitor official student class rosters in One.iu.edu.
  • Provide site visitors with all materials and information (e.g., syllabus, schedule, availability, graded assignments) as requested prior to the visit.
  • Upload the ACP syllabus via Canvas within established time frames.
  • Be aware that noncompliance with requirements to upload current syllabus may result in the withdrawal of students from the college course and instructor decertification.
  • Report episodes of academic misconduct to ACP immediately upon determining such activity occurred.
  • Establish and maintain an IU username and passphrase for IU email and access to One.iu.edu.
  • Encourage students to complete the online End of Course Survey.
  • Submit grades in a timely fashion via One.iu.edu (within two weeks of course ending, no later than January 15 for first semester courses, and June 15 for second semester and full-year courses).
  • Attend annual professional development seminars.
  • Follow student disability accommodation recommendations as outlined in summer training.
  • Notify ACP of plans to retire, change of high school, or the high school's plan to discontinue offering the course.
  • Be aware that failure to adhere to ACP policies and expectations will result in decertification to offer IU courses.

Student enrollment #

  • Students must be enrolled for college credit at the time the course is taken; there is no retroactive enrollment or awarding of college credit.
  • Students must enroll for college credit during the online self-registration period, or by requesting administrative enrollment via the confirmation roster process. There is no retroactive enrollment or awarding of college credit.
  • Tuition payment status does not affect student enrollment. Failure to pay tuition does not result in the student being removed from the IU roster, or earning credit. It will, however, affect the student’s ability to register for future terms or to access their IU transcript.

Course implementation and textbooks #

  • In some cases ACP courses may be simultaneously taught with AP courses but in no case can an ACP course be taught simultaneously for Indiana University and another dual credit provider.
  • All Indiana University courses, including those taught through ACP, require the use of an IU-approved textbook.
  • All textbooks and supplemental materials required for the ACP courses are the responsibility of School Corporation to procure. University approved or required textbooks may not adhere to the traditional six-year textbook adoption cycle and may require more frequent replacement.
  • Schools will be billed for all students in courses with integrated IU e-Texts.

Grades #

  • The Indiana University Office of the Registrar is the only recognized authority to report IU grades. ACP can share whether students have earned IU credit for a course, but will not share the grades reported for those students.
  • Only the grade earned for high school credit should be reported on the students' high school transcripts. ACP partner high schools are not allowed to report the grade earned for IU credit on the high school transcript.
  • High school and Indiana University course grades do not have to be the same grade. College expectations of student performance are not the same as high school expectations, so it is possible that a student's college grade is lower than the high school grade.
  • College grades are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the fact that ACP students are still in high school or under 18 years of age has no impact on grade protection.

Instructor compliance #

  • In case of an ACP instructor's extended absence from the classroom (more than five days) the principal will notify the ACP office to make arrangements for an ACP-approved suitable replacement.
  • Instructors who are absent from three consecutive annual professional development seminars must retrain the next time training is offered. Unless alternate arrangements are made, failure to retrain will result in decertification to offer ACP courses.
  • The above statement should not be construed that ACP instructors need only attend an annual professional development seminar once every three years. Annual attendance is required. However, ACP recognizes that life events and school issues may prevent an instructor from attending from time to time. When such events result in an instructor missing three consecutive seminars, summer retraining will be necessary in order to continue to offer IU courses. Ongoing collegial discussions about curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and course philosophy ensure ACP instructors are able to deliver quality Indiana University courses to their students. Such seminars are a key distinguishing characteristic of quality concurrent enrollment programs.

Enrollment caps #

Indiana University caps student enrollment in certain courses. The caps below are independent of the number of students enrolled for college credit. 

Course Number Course Description Enrollment Cap
COLL-P 155/SPCH-S 121/COMM-S 121 Public Oral Communication/Public Speaking 24
ENG-W 131 Reading, Writing, & Inquiry I 24
ENG-L 202 Literary Interpretation


ENG-L 111 Discovering Literature


CHEM-C 121 Elementary Chemistry Lab 2x the number of chemistry lab stations + 1

Policies for trimesters and block-4 school calendars #

If you are inquiring about an ACP course not specifically listed below, please get in touch with the ACP office.

Academic misconduct #

Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and violation of course rules*. If you believe that one of your ACP students has committed an act of academic misconduct, follow the guidelines below:

  1. The ACP instructor should contact ACP Associate Director, Kristal Arsenault karsenau@u.edu, to notify the office of the occurrence.
  2. After the Associate Director consults with the ACP Liaison for the course and the ACP Director, the ACP instructor will be notified how to proceed.
  3. If the course of action is to submit an incident report with the Office of Student Conduct, the ACP instructor will be directed to the report site at the appropriate IU regional campus of record:

Note: Different from the high school portion of the course, discipline actions that involve the grade for IU credit are protected under FERPA. Parents require the consent of the student in order to be informed.

Follow-up for the Instructor:

After submitting the report, the ACP instructor will be contacted by a regional representative from the Dean of Students. In a typical course of action for first offense, the instructor will record a grade of 0 for the compromised assignment.

Follow-up for the Student:

The student will be contacted by a regional representative from the Dean of Students and informed of the course of action. The infraction will be noted in the student’s file at the campus of record.

Note: Additional documented infractions carry greater consequences.

*Useful links for identifying and avoiding academic misconduct:

IEP, 504 and accommodations for students with disabilities #

The following policy clarification is included in every ACP course syllabus:

Student Disabilities

Every attempt will be made to accommodate qualified students with disabilities (e.g. mental health, learning, chronic health, physical hearing, vision neurological, etc.). First contact your school’s special education teacher or school counselor. You will work with them and use the information provide in our ACP Student Handbook – Student Disabilities to identify which accommodations require additional review through interactive discussion with your IU Accessible Educational Services (AES) Office. Note that services are confidential, may take time to put into place and are not retroactive; captions and alternate media for print materials may take three or more weeks to get produced.

Since there can be differences between IEP and IU course accommodations, ACP and the IU AES offices have identified which accommodations do not require additional review and approval from AES, as such accommodations generally will not fundamentally alter the ACP course objectives for students with a documented IEP (See Section B). Additionally, ACP and the IU AES offices have identified which student accommodations require students to contact their area IU AES office, for additional review and approval (See Section A). The student (and parents with the FERPA permission from the student) must initiate the contact with the appropriate AES office for any accommodations listed in Section A. Accommodations that Require AES Approval. Once the case has been documented with the IU AES, the faculty liaison in consultation with the ACP instructor are then able to discuss and provide the services and accommodations, timeline, and policies, as well as decide what may and may not be allowed for IU credit with each student’s situation.

Using this button instructors or designated school contact will share with the appropriate AES office which students in the ACP course have been approved for any of the accommodations listed in Section B. Should an ACP instructor wish to discuss any of the generally approved accommodations in this section, they can contact AES.

Student Course Accommodation Form

Technologies used #

You'll be required to use Canvas and Zoom frequently as an ACP Instructor. Please ensure you familiarize yourself with these applications using the links provided below, before applying. 

About Canvas at IU

About Zoom at IU

Tuition Rate #

The tuition rate for dual credit earned through ACP is $25 per credit unit. $0 for students in Indiana high schools. A $156 per course fee may apply for students who reside outside of Indiana. This amount is charged directly to the student from the IU Bursar on the following schedule:

  • Fall, Tri 1, and year-long: bills generated and mailed USPS 3rd Thursday of October with payment due November 10.
  • Spring and Tri 2 & 3: bills generated and mailed USPS 3rd Thursday of March with payment due April 10.

Payment can be made by eCheck or credit card without IU login credentials at: go.iu.edu/PayACP